Thursday 29 May 2014

Spiritual teachers

Each and everyone of us is a spiritual teacher. We teach each other on a daily basis through the relationships we form and the lessons we learn. We do not need to visit the Himalaya’s, India or Thailand to have an enlightened experience (although its an amazing trip), we can do it right here right now wherever we live - all we need is compassion, acceptance and love.

I recently saw a quote ‘ We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.’ This had such a big impression on me. I suddenly thought about the power of being connected within our heart chakra, offering compassion, kindness, forgiveness and love. When we are engaged in this energy we automatically share it with others. If for example we were not engaging our heart chakra, we would instead choose to judge each other and allow a negative trait like jealousy to motivate our intentions - we would see the world in a very different way.

When we open ourselves, our chakras and energy, we automatically endorse how we feel about life by attracting vibrational events into it. Energy has no boundaries, it impacts our work, home, and leisure environments instantly. If for example we are having a negatively stressful day at work, possibly saying over and over to ourselves ‘can this day get any worse?’ chances are it will because our energy is enhancing it. This is when we create negative energy which affects everyone around us. 
 Now comes the spiritual teacher part, we learn so much about ourselves by how others react to us. Some of us may be placed in a negative situation reacting aggressively to a vibe, others keep their distance, yet the truth of any situation can be gaged by how we feel within ourselves, then how we react to it. Think aggressively and we will act aggressively, think peacefully and we react the same way, these reactions teach us about ourselves.

When there is awareness and acceptance of ourselves and energy, we automatically embrace our inner spiritual teacher.

One of our greatest truths we can choose to remember, is we are here to love each other, that is why we are alive, that is what life and relationships are for.

Lets celebrate and thank one another for all our diva moments, know it all ideas, I’m right and you’re wrong syndromes because after all, we are learning from each experience with each person and that can only be a good thing.

blog post 2905 

Thursday 22 May 2014

Be Alkaline, be healthy!

How would you rate your physical health? Do you consider yourself to be healthy? So many of us think that physical health means going to the gym twice a week and that is it. Being healthy starts from within and in particular the food we eat.

With today's fast living, fast food and stress, we can find ourselves in a frenzy of to do lists. This energy impacts on our physical health and creates a lot of acidity within. Too much acid has a huge effect on how we feel mentally, emotionally and physically. Heart burn, digestive problems, nervous disorders, skin complaints and cancer are now being proven to be a result of acidic living. Disease and illness thrives in an acidic body, but don’t worry because there is a simple answer to counteract the acid; alkaline the body.

Being in a state of alkalinity dissolves excess acid, promoting wellbeing and good health. To do this is simple; eat green, think green and be green.

A simple test you can to do involves using ph balancing strips. These strips will determine whether your physical body is in a state of acid or alkaline. A scale from 5 up to 8 (5 being acidic yellow and 8 being alkaline dark green) shows you exactly where you are on the ph balancing scale. The ph strips are used by dipping into our saliva or urine. Saliva is probably the easiest way to do this, so spitting on a spoon, dipping the strip and waiting 15 seconds to see the results is how it is done.


If you’re yellow your acidic, so take a look at your lifestyle. Are you eating too much convenience food, consuming lots of sugar and alcohol, experiencing stress in your life and having sleepless nights? If the answer is yes, then changing a few unhealthy habits will get you back to balance. Look at your stress levels and ask why they exist and how you can change them.

Becoming more alkaline is easy - simply eat more green foods. Foods like leafy green vegetables, broccoli, kale, cabbage, asparagus, spinach and green juices or smoothies will ph balance your physical body. Also taking supplements like green barley grass, wheat grass, spirulina and chlorella will add more alkaline into your system and dissolve all that naughty acid.

There are now many supplements available in health foods stores, that are simple to take and will have your energy levels reaching new heights. Combining these supplements with good nutrition will wave goodbye to health problems, allowing you to still enjoy some of lives naughty pleasures. It is worth while knowing that some of us are naturally acidic types and doing the ph test strip will highlight this to us. In Ayurveda (an ancient Indian lifestyle system) this is known as being Pitta, and having a lot of feisty fire in your belly. Eating alkaline foods soothes that fire.

Having followed an alkaline diet for many years, I have found myself avoiding many cold’s, flu’s and illnesses. My body and health has never felt so good. It is a lifestyle choice to adopt this way of living but one thing is for sure, when you choose it, you will feel amazing!

You can find more information and gain clearer insight by searching online for ‘alkaline diets’.

blog 22.5.3

Thursday 15 May 2014

Life, it’s for living!

Are you leading the life you want? If not, what is stopping you? The simple answer is you……!

We can place so many limitations on ourselves thinking we must think, do, act and be a certain way. This false sense of duty places heaviness and pressure on who we really are. So why do we keep up appearances, when we really want to break free?

A simple answer is to look at our up bringing and childhood conditioning. Being a product of our parents limitations means we may be keeping these traditions alive and limiting how we lead our lives. Our main responsibility needs to be to ourselves and fulfilling a life we absolutely love which reflects our highest truth - each of us deserves this.

The fantastic thing is we can change ourselves at any given time. We have the power to transform our energy and think ourselves positive. We can tap into our personal power and manifest our dreams into reality. All it takes is a commitment from ourselves to ourselves, and a lifestyle structure that will get us there.

Be honest with yourself and ask what you would truly like to change? As we are all so different, what would seem a huge change to one, could be a small change to another. Lets choose to support one another through these changes, offering a helping hand and support along the way. Having a clear vision of the direction we would like to move forward to, gives us the opportunity to get the wheels into motion. Having people who believe in us and are on our side, makes a big difference when we are implementing any changes.

It is worth while to keep remembering we have one life right now, and we can make our life an amazing experience here on earth. Yes it will take commitment, time and facing our fears head on however, the rewards will be immense when we over come limitations and break free.

Lets choose life, celebrate who we are and love each fresh new day. Lets choose to surround ourselves with positive people who lift us and accept us for who we are.

Remembering to keep life simple, lets never forget we have a precious human life. Making a difference is what it’s all about, realising we have the power to transform our daily experiences and create some magical moments in the lives of others.

Life is for living not for existing. What difference will you make today?

blog post 1505

Thursday 8 May 2014

Being Mindful

Mindfulness is knowing what is happening, when it is happening. It is about paying attention on purpose to the present moment and being in the now, without making judgements. Most of us are rarely in the present moment, we tend to be caught up in thinking about past situations or future events. We get lost in our thoughts, thinking these thoughts are who we are and being on automatic pilot, driven by habits. Mindfulness teaches us to live in the now, being in the present moment without any distractions.

Being mindful is all about us mastering our minds, rather than our minds mastering us. How many times have we made a mountain out of a mole hill, only to find nothing has changed and our reality is exactly the same - yet our minds told us something completely different.

Practicing mindfulness is a beautiful thing. Having 70,000 thoughts in a day, it is essential we keep them positive as they will create our reality. Filling ourselves up with negative thoughts really does have a negative effect on our emotions.

Adopting a mindful practice means having awareness of any negative thought, then letting it go or consciously choosing to replace it with a positive one. It works the same way with unhealthy habits, when we are aware of them we can choose to change them but until that moment of awareness, we may not even know what our habits are.

A great way to add mindfulness into our daily lives, is to keep it simple. Start with being mindful of your feet.

- How do both feet feel right now?
- Are your feet comfortable in the shoes you are wearing?
- How do you walk?
- Are your steps heavy or light, which part of your foot takes all the weight?
- Do you drag your heels when you walk?
- Listen to your footsteps, what are they telling you?

- Do you feel a spring in your step?
- Do not judge your feet, be mindful of them.
- Thank them.

We can add simple awareness and mindfulness into all aspects of our lives using this approach. If a situation or person is bothering you, be mindful of your thoughts and seek to change them. Thinking the worst case scenario over and over is unhealthy on all levels of our wellbeing, so stop, be aware and let go. Doing this on a regular basis will liberate you and your mind. After all, you are the master of your own mind. 

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Thursday 1 May 2014

10 signs of a true friend

Our friends are the sunshine on a rainy day, the ones that listen to our tales of woe and smile; they are worth their weight in gold. A true friendship has such a positive effect on both our energy and life. Where would we be without them?

I really do feel blessed to have some amazing friends in my life, some are old and some are new. I love the openness, honesty and authentic love that is shared, it is such an amazing feeling to know they are there for you - essential for happy living.

Having recently had a few occasions to catch up with friends, the one thing I really love most is the soul connection. You don’t need to act a certain way or say particular things, being yourself in all your glory, is all that is required. Sharing truth in its rawest form is a beautiful experience, even if others do not understand it. A true friend will listen to rant and raves, love you unconditionally and offer support.

So how do we know when we have a true friend?

1.  They love you for you.

2.  It's not an issue when life gets busy and there is limited contact.

3.  You leave them feeling happier than when you arrived.

4.  They will be totally honest with you in a loving way.

5.  They stand by you even if they don’t agree with you.

6.  They love you unconditionally warts and all.

7.  They listen to you.

8.  They support you.

9.  They celebrate your good times even if they are going through hard times.

10. You journey through life together and teach each other many lessons.

Celebrate your friendships by organising a get together, sharing how grateful you are to have them in your life. After all true friendships are hard to find!