Thursday 22 May 2014

Be Alkaline, be healthy!

How would you rate your physical health? Do you consider yourself to be healthy? So many of us think that physical health means going to the gym twice a week and that is it. Being healthy starts from within and in particular the food we eat.

With today's fast living, fast food and stress, we can find ourselves in a frenzy of to do lists. This energy impacts on our physical health and creates a lot of acidity within. Too much acid has a huge effect on how we feel mentally, emotionally and physically. Heart burn, digestive problems, nervous disorders, skin complaints and cancer are now being proven to be a result of acidic living. Disease and illness thrives in an acidic body, but don’t worry because there is a simple answer to counteract the acid; alkaline the body.

Being in a state of alkalinity dissolves excess acid, promoting wellbeing and good health. To do this is simple; eat green, think green and be green.

A simple test you can to do involves using ph balancing strips. These strips will determine whether your physical body is in a state of acid or alkaline. A scale from 5 up to 8 (5 being acidic yellow and 8 being alkaline dark green) shows you exactly where you are on the ph balancing scale. The ph strips are used by dipping into our saliva or urine. Saliva is probably the easiest way to do this, so spitting on a spoon, dipping the strip and waiting 15 seconds to see the results is how it is done.


If you’re yellow your acidic, so take a look at your lifestyle. Are you eating too much convenience food, consuming lots of sugar and alcohol, experiencing stress in your life and having sleepless nights? If the answer is yes, then changing a few unhealthy habits will get you back to balance. Look at your stress levels and ask why they exist and how you can change them.

Becoming more alkaline is easy - simply eat more green foods. Foods like leafy green vegetables, broccoli, kale, cabbage, asparagus, spinach and green juices or smoothies will ph balance your physical body. Also taking supplements like green barley grass, wheat grass, spirulina and chlorella will add more alkaline into your system and dissolve all that naughty acid.

There are now many supplements available in health foods stores, that are simple to take and will have your energy levels reaching new heights. Combining these supplements with good nutrition will wave goodbye to health problems, allowing you to still enjoy some of lives naughty pleasures. It is worth while knowing that some of us are naturally acidic types and doing the ph test strip will highlight this to us. In Ayurveda (an ancient Indian lifestyle system) this is known as being Pitta, and having a lot of feisty fire in your belly. Eating alkaline foods soothes that fire.

Having followed an alkaline diet for many years, I have found myself avoiding many cold’s, flu’s and illnesses. My body and health has never felt so good. It is a lifestyle choice to adopt this way of living but one thing is for sure, when you choose it, you will feel amazing!

You can find more information and gain clearer insight by searching online for ‘alkaline diets’.

blog 22.5.3

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