Thursday 29 May 2014

Spiritual teachers

Each and everyone of us is a spiritual teacher. We teach each other on a daily basis through the relationships we form and the lessons we learn. We do not need to visit the Himalaya’s, India or Thailand to have an enlightened experience (although its an amazing trip), we can do it right here right now wherever we live - all we need is compassion, acceptance and love.

I recently saw a quote ‘ We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.’ This had such a big impression on me. I suddenly thought about the power of being connected within our heart chakra, offering compassion, kindness, forgiveness and love. When we are engaged in this energy we automatically share it with others. If for example we were not engaging our heart chakra, we would instead choose to judge each other and allow a negative trait like jealousy to motivate our intentions - we would see the world in a very different way.

When we open ourselves, our chakras and energy, we automatically endorse how we feel about life by attracting vibrational events into it. Energy has no boundaries, it impacts our work, home, and leisure environments instantly. If for example we are having a negatively stressful day at work, possibly saying over and over to ourselves ‘can this day get any worse?’ chances are it will because our energy is enhancing it. This is when we create negative energy which affects everyone around us. 
 Now comes the spiritual teacher part, we learn so much about ourselves by how others react to us. Some of us may be placed in a negative situation reacting aggressively to a vibe, others keep their distance, yet the truth of any situation can be gaged by how we feel within ourselves, then how we react to it. Think aggressively and we will act aggressively, think peacefully and we react the same way, these reactions teach us about ourselves.

When there is awareness and acceptance of ourselves and energy, we automatically embrace our inner spiritual teacher.

One of our greatest truths we can choose to remember, is we are here to love each other, that is why we are alive, that is what life and relationships are for.

Lets celebrate and thank one another for all our diva moments, know it all ideas, I’m right and you’re wrong syndromes because after all, we are learning from each experience with each person and that can only be a good thing.

blog post 2905 

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