Thursday 15 May 2014

Life, it’s for living!

Are you leading the life you want? If not, what is stopping you? The simple answer is you……!

We can place so many limitations on ourselves thinking we must think, do, act and be a certain way. This false sense of duty places heaviness and pressure on who we really are. So why do we keep up appearances, when we really want to break free?

A simple answer is to look at our up bringing and childhood conditioning. Being a product of our parents limitations means we may be keeping these traditions alive and limiting how we lead our lives. Our main responsibility needs to be to ourselves and fulfilling a life we absolutely love which reflects our highest truth - each of us deserves this.

The fantastic thing is we can change ourselves at any given time. We have the power to transform our energy and think ourselves positive. We can tap into our personal power and manifest our dreams into reality. All it takes is a commitment from ourselves to ourselves, and a lifestyle structure that will get us there.

Be honest with yourself and ask what you would truly like to change? As we are all so different, what would seem a huge change to one, could be a small change to another. Lets choose to support one another through these changes, offering a helping hand and support along the way. Having a clear vision of the direction we would like to move forward to, gives us the opportunity to get the wheels into motion. Having people who believe in us and are on our side, makes a big difference when we are implementing any changes.

It is worth while to keep remembering we have one life right now, and we can make our life an amazing experience here on earth. Yes it will take commitment, time and facing our fears head on however, the rewards will be immense when we over come limitations and break free.

Lets choose life, celebrate who we are and love each fresh new day. Lets choose to surround ourselves with positive people who lift us and accept us for who we are.

Remembering to keep life simple, lets never forget we have a precious human life. Making a difference is what it’s all about, realising we have the power to transform our daily experiences and create some magical moments in the lives of others.

Life is for living not for existing. What difference will you make today?

blog post 1505

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