Thursday 1 May 2014

10 signs of a true friend

Our friends are the sunshine on a rainy day, the ones that listen to our tales of woe and smile; they are worth their weight in gold. A true friendship has such a positive effect on both our energy and life. Where would we be without them?

I really do feel blessed to have some amazing friends in my life, some are old and some are new. I love the openness, honesty and authentic love that is shared, it is such an amazing feeling to know they are there for you - essential for happy living.

Having recently had a few occasions to catch up with friends, the one thing I really love most is the soul connection. You don’t need to act a certain way or say particular things, being yourself in all your glory, is all that is required. Sharing truth in its rawest form is a beautiful experience, even if others do not understand it. A true friend will listen to rant and raves, love you unconditionally and offer support.

So how do we know when we have a true friend?

1.  They love you for you.

2.  It's not an issue when life gets busy and there is limited contact.

3.  You leave them feeling happier than when you arrived.

4.  They will be totally honest with you in a loving way.

5.  They stand by you even if they don’t agree with you.

6.  They love you unconditionally warts and all.

7.  They listen to you.

8.  They support you.

9.  They celebrate your good times even if they are going through hard times.

10. You journey through life together and teach each other many lessons.

Celebrate your friendships by organising a get together, sharing how grateful you are to have them in your life. After all true friendships are hard to find!

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